
Conclusion [Julissa Caro]:

    In conclusion, we met the objective of this analysis by interviewing Daniel Colon, the company manager of Legion Beauty Supplies to learn all about the information systems they utilize to successfully fulfill the functions of sales through Ecwid and Excel and marketing via different social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. In fact, while examining the company's different areas relating to MIS, we were able to implement our in-classroom learnings to determine their business strategy, value chain activities, did a thorough analysis, and offered some recommendations to improve the company. For the business strategy, we used Porter's Five Forces Model, looked at their competitive strategy which we found to be inclined towards a focus differentiation. These factors each allowed us to conduct a thorough analysis as a group where we focused on the company's structured process of sales and the information system they use to complete all sales activities, which is Ecwid and Excel as well as the dynamic process of marketing through the information system of Instagram which is the social media platform they use the most to promote their unique waxing products and supplies. We studied each information system in depth along with the components of the information systems including hardware, software, data, and procedures. Throughout the semester, we were able to discover some discrepancies, or rather, information silos within the information systems that we believe can be solved with a couple of recommendations. For example, Legion Beauty Supplies can make room for improvements in their product and process implementations. The company can consider creating their own product line which would potentially lead them to becoming their own manufacturing and distributing business as well. On the other hand, they can also create their own app which their customers can easily download on their smartphones and have quick access to their online store in a way that is much more efficient and effective. We are excited to present Daniel Colon and his team with our findings and hope that the company can take these recommendations into consideration and apply them as a way to improve in these aspects which will allow them to further expand within the beauty industry. After this project, we have a better understanding on how much the IS can affect the success of a business. 

Here are some key takeaways from our project:
  • Almost every aspect in a business involves some type of information system 
  • An information system will help improve any kind of business to accomplish their company strategy 
  • A strong social media presence has a huge positive impact on a company's success
  • All value chain activities work together to achieve business goals and visions
  • Information silos can be easily created without proper training or resources when implementing new database systems


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